Guidelines from Redoubt

A metric fuckton of people have asked on here about the kind of requirements Redoubt places upon me as an operative or whatever. I can’t really tell you all of them because they came in a book that’s about the size of the Starr Report. I didn’t read the entire thing because I have to work night shift too at the diner on top of all this.

I’ll do my best to summarize as necessary but it’s all really complicated and even now, Smirk has to explain stuff to me again and again. She’s pretty fucking patient, which is good. I guess I can update this page just like all pages with new information as I get it. Anyways, here’s what’s going on with that…

My Job Description and Duties???

Regulations I (Kinda) Follow-ish

Can you really fucking blame me for struggling to keep track of some of this? The stuff I mentioned above is only a small part of it. Like I said, they gave me pages and pages of rules. A lot of it is ultimately going to be “at my ethical discretion” and there was even a seminar I had to take about how Redoubt wants all operatives to develop strong discernment or something. I do my best when I’m working alone. To be honest, at this point I just do what Smirk tells me and hope for the best most of the time, though…