Updating My Life
Below I plan to keep track of all the stuff I put on the site (and hope I'm gonna put on the site) and when it's been uploaded in a big list with timestamps and stuff. This should help everyone know when I add a new page and what is going on. I hope this works okay. You can always come back to this page to see what's new with the site or what I have added.
A lot of it depends on how much coffeee I am able to drink, ngl. I had to quit energy drinks a few years back over some bullshit, and now I tend to just chug cold coffee when I'm working or sitting at home talking on Discord or watching shows or whatever. it just motivates me more than other things. I'm sure other people feel the same way.
Also updating this site is going to depend on my work schedule at the Freeze-n-Fry. I do need insurance and I do need to pay some bills sometimes between gigs for Redoubt. They also kind of insisted I keep the job as some sort of cover story. So I do work almost full time usually and half the time they can't pick which shift they want, so i'm exhausted often... (like rn).
I don't know how the fuck I'm supposed to say this, but it's important I thank Dwayne because he basically made this layout for me even though he has no idea what I am using it for, what neocities is, that magic is real, or what Redoubt is. He'll never see this but I still want to give him some kind of props for the whole thing.
Either way I put a lot of effort here and thanks for visiting and being at the updates page. You can always hit me up if you have questions or whatever or want me to add something or if something needs clarifying...
- September [January] 12th, 2021 [2025] Posted a page about all the bullshit regulations Redoubt is making me follow. Will soon post more about the shit they actually taught me. You'd think that'd be dangerous, but it's not like anyone else but an actual mage can do those enchantments, so it's fine, right?
- September [January] 11th, 2021 [2025] Page about (my speculations about) my employer, Redoubt is now online, but I wrote it when I was really really really high so bare that in mind and I actually still am. Mad at Dwayne for taking my Chipotle.
- September [January] 5th, 2021 [2025] Uploaded a couple new pages. These are a page about magic, and one about people I know
- September [January] 4th, 2021 [2025] I put the site online finally. Neocities kept going down, but I was patient and it came back up, so I was able to upload my site. Check out my about page, or Claire's unfiction page!
[Author's note: Dates reflect Avery's life some years ago when this story takes place. IRL dates are listed in brackets.]
Coming Soon?
Aaaand here's a short list of some things I want to make pages about or post about but have not gotten the chance. If you have anything you think I should add to the site, hmu in the cbox.
- Huge page about what I know about Redoubt so far, how I learned it, and my own theories.
- A page upcoming about the shitty town I live in, as well as other places I go.
- Blinkies and talismans to help the site be more colorful.
- Links to cool sites (like yours?). You can post in the cbox if you want to be added.